Matatā Conservation Care Group was formed in March 2022, and is currently working towards becoming a charitable trust.
The area that the group cares for is the land that surrounds Kōkako Heights and is part of the much larger Manawahe Ecological Corridor.
This ecological corridor stretches from Lake Rotomā through Manawahe to the Pacific Ocean on the Matatā/Thornton coast. Kōkako Heights falls within the lower (downstream) section of the corridor.
Kōkako Heights also falls within the Awakaponga North Priority Biodiversity Site which is approximately 270 hectares of pohutukawa (Metrosideros excelsa), pururi (Vitex lucens), broadleaved forest. The balance of the 270 hectares outside of Kokako Heights is under other private ownership and the Department of Conservation (DOC). Kokako Heights also borders the Matatā Scenic Reserve, which also incorporates kamahi (Pterophylla racemosa), tawa (Beilschmiedia tawa), podocarp, hard beech forest. In the Whakatāne Operative District Plan the Awakaponga Significant Biodiversity Site covers part of the Kokako Heights subdivision.
As a group Matatā Conservation Care Group have been working very hard setting up traps and bait stations in the last year, and are working with BCA to create a 5-year management plan.
Current pest animal threats within the area include wallabies, deer, possums and rodents. In the last 12 months the group have trapped over 600 pests, and are now seeing big numbers of possum being poisoned from the 120 stations positioned around the area.
The groups’ dream is to become a place where Kōkako can safely reside, and see the undergrowth of the bush is flourish.
If you would like to help with this dream the group runs regular working bees and welcomes volunteers.
Please use the Contact Us button below connect with Matatā Conservation Care Group or ask any questions.
And you can follow their journey on social media.