MOWS & Coast Care Working Bee

Come and join us for another awesome Coast Care planting event with our pals at @MaketuOngatoroWetlandSociety Led by local Coast Care restoration coordinator Chris, this is part of a regular […]

World Environment Day

This year’s World Environment Day campaign focuses on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience under the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.” The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will […]

AFP Volunteer Wednesday

Aongatete Forest Project 16 Pikirangi Road (top end of Wright Rd), Aongatete, Western BOP, New Zealand

Join us for a morning of volunteer restoration work with Aongatete Forest Project. We may provide specific details here (depending on the operations plan) otherwise just come along and see […]

Kaharoa Kōkako Trust Pest Op Bait Removal

796 Kapukapu Road, Okere Falls 3096, New Zealand

***Please email us if you plan to join, so that we can pre-arrange the equipment, pre-allocate lines and organise catering*** - Email: [email protected] - All welcome! Inexperienced volunteers will be […]


Otanewainuku DOC Mountain Road, Oropi, Tauranga, New Zealand

Regular workdays are held on the second Sunday of the month at Ōtanewainuku Forest, 680 Mountain Road, Oropi. Please arrive by 8.45am for a safety briefing and an outline of the […]

Kaharoa Kōkako Trust Bait Removal

796 Kapukapu Road, Okere Falls 3096, New Zealand

***Please email us if you plan to join, so that we can pre-arrange the bait bags, pre-allocate lines and organise catering*** - Please also email to check that this event […]

Motu Trails / Dunes Trail Planting Day

Part of the regeneration of the fabulous coastal dunes east of Opotiki. Plants supplied by BOPRC. All welcome to help plant! Each day there are 500 trees/plants to dig in. […]