The last intake for applications is now in progress.
About Bay Conservation Cadets – Tauira Mahi
The Bay Conservation Cadets – Tauira Mahi programme (BCC) is an employment, training and development programme which seeks to upskill unemployed, under-employed or those changing career pathways, whilst also delivering environmental and conservation benefits. Cadets will have an employment contract and will receive training in multiple areas to enable a career path into the environmental sector and the many positions that Jobs for Nature and other programmes are providing. BCC has a large experiential learning component where cadets will undertake work at a variety of sites, including those run by BCA members, private landowners and other partners. This will provide meaningful work experience with real environmental and conservation outcomes.
What is Jobs for Nature?
Jobs for Nature is a $1.245 billion government programme to revitalise communities by providing economic support to create thousands of nature-based jobs across Aotearoa. It is part of the COVID-19 recovery package. The programme aims create up to 11,000 jobs by funding environmental initiatives that will employ New Zealanders to improve freshwater, eradicate and manage pests and enhance biodiversity.
Who is delivering the Bay Conservation Cadets – Tauira Mahi programme?
Bay Conservation Alliance (BCA) has received funding through Ministry for the Environment’s Public Waterways and Ecosystem Restoration Fund, which is part of Jobs for Nature, to deliver the programme. Bay Conservation Alliance (BCA) is an organisation that supports community-led environmental restoration and nature conservation. BCA currently links and supports 15 community conservation groups across the Bay of Plenty.
Who is the programme open to?
- All ages from 18 up.
- No minimum qualifications required, but a genuine interest and passion for working in the environment is mandatory.
- NZ citizens or permanent residents only.
- You will also need to be physically fit and able to work outdoors.
How long is the programme?
12 weeks made up of 4 training days (Monday – Thursday).
Dates for next intakes
Applications for intakes have now closed.
Is it paid employment?
Yes. The 4 training days are paid at $26/hr for 32 hours a week.
How do I apply?
Applications have now closed.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview stage. 11 spaces are available for each intake.
Please note the closing dates for 2024 intakes have passed.
What sort of training will I receive?
Cadets will receive expert training across a range of areas. For example –
1. Ecology ID (Flora & Fauna): Use of identification keys (e.g. the flora of New Zealand, insects, birds etc).
2. Predator Control – BCC are fortunate to have John Bissell, one of NZs leading predator control experts,
• Introduction to pest and predator control.
• Overview, history and challenges.
• Overview of key predator species and their impacts.
• Animal behavior. The mind-set of a predator and getting inside their heads.
• The four key elements of successful, high performance trapping.
• Legislation and predator control (SOPs, NAWAC, Best practice, DOC requirements).
3. Outcomes monitoring – thorough theoretical and practical hands-on training in all aspects of species monitoring
including birds, invertebrates, reptiles, plants, fresh water.
4. Freshwater monitoring methods looking at water quality, macroinvertebrates, native fish, and different habitats including streams, estuary, wetland and marine. Time is spent with cultural and local experts on cultural indicators and fish passageway and spawning habitats for native fish. Learn how coastal ecosystems are impacted by our activities upstream and on the land, building an understanding that everything is connected.
Plus, many more topics such as GIS/GPS & basic mapping. Planting restoration planning, spraying, animal rehabilitation, career paths like being a DOC dog handler, sanctuary management, health and safety management, and legislation will all broaden your knowledge and experience base.
Will I obtain certification?
All graduating cadets will receive a completion certificate and job reference. Cadets will also be offered the opportunity to secure NZQA certificates (paid for by BCA) from a range of the following (final choice agreed to by BCA)
• First Aid (Outdoor)
• LUV – Light Utility Vehicle
• Controlled Substance Handler
• Growsafe
• Vespex Licence (Wasp Control)
• Bushcraft (navigation etc)
• High Performance Predator Control L2
What other support will I receive to secure employment?
Cadets will receive expert career coaching. This will include a 1-1 session and mentoring around career planning, confidence building, CV development, and interview skills.
BCA will help identify employment opportunities during the course and cover other useful skill development areas to maximise the potential for future employment.
Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu
Adorn the bird with feathers so it may soar.