The Bay Conservation Cadets – Tauira Mahi programme (BCC) is an employment, training and development programme which seeks to upskill unemployed, under-employed or those changing career pathways, whilst also delivering environmental and conservation benefits. Cadets receive an employment contract and  training in multiple areas to enable a career path into the environmental sector and the many positions that Jobs for Nature and other programmes are providing. BCC has a large experiential learning component where cadets will undertake work at a variety of sites, including those run by BCA members, private landowners and other partners. This provides meaningful work experience with real environmental and conservation outcomes.

For full programme details click HERE.


Looking at nature education for your school? Book into our nature education programme!

What can schools expect?

Our programme provides fully facilitated hands-on experiential conservation education. Students will discover how incredibly unique New Zealand is, gain an insight into many of the conservation challenges in New Zealand, and learn a set of practical conservation skills. Activities and learnings include bird banding and ID, reptile and insect monitoring, rongoa, biosecurity challenges including issues like kauri dieback, and of course the huge challenge of pest management.

We are currently operating at three sites during Term 1 and Term 4 – Aongatete Forest Project and Oteora in the Kaimai Mamaku Conservation Park, and Otanewainuku Forest between Te Puke and Oropi.

If you are keen to find out more about this programme please contact our Education and Engagement Manager Janie Stevenson –

If you would like to contribute a koha to our education programme and would like to support our conservation work, please click on the button below.


Useful links to great nature and environmental education resources:


Useful apps to help you identify NZ native plants and animals when out and about: