The Hukutaia Domain Care group is the present kaitiaki of Hukutaia Domain working in partnership with Te Upokorehe. There are about 15 active volunteers who are passionate and proud to look after this local and national treasure. We are supported by the Opotiki District Council and the Bay of Plenty Regional Council and other local groups in our community.
Hukutaia Domain was created over one hundred years ago, to protect Taketakerau, a large puriri tree used by Te Upokorehe to store the bones of their distinguished dead. Taketakerau is estimated to be over 2000 years old. This 4.5 hectares of remnant semi coastal forest is dominated by Tawa and Puriri and has never been felled. The Domain also has an extensive collection of native plants and trees gathered from all parts of New Zealand over the last 90 years, by Norman Potts, Marc Heginbotham and others.
Our aspirations are to protect and where possible, enhance the natural and cultural values of the Domain. We aim to maintain and extend the botanical collection, enhance the experience for visitors and increase their understanding of the significance of the Domain and its values.
We have regular workbees, intensive pest control, monitoring, track work, build boardwalks, weed, mow, clear rubbish, grow cuttings and seeds. We also provide information with notices, signs, pamphlets, activities, talks, hosting visiting groups, keep records, attend courses, have great morning teas and enjoy Hukutaia Domain and each other’s company.
Find Out More
Two books have recently been printed:
Taketakerau – the Millennium Tree by Marnie Anstis and Hukutaia. (Facebook link here)
Domain – The history of a local Treasure by Lorna Aikman and Tanja Rotha.