Aongatete Outdoor Education Centre is a leading outdoor centre in New Zealand with a focus on environmental education, outdoor safety and sustainability. We are located 18 km from Katikati and 37 km from Tauranga. Our mission is to provide environmental education opportunities and activities, that foster the development of positive life skills and give memorable learning opportunities in the NZ bush.
Our objectives are to:
• promote and foster a love of the outdoors especially of the Kaimai Mamaku Forest Park, which is seen as a taonga that needs saving and protecting
• encourage and promote health and safety, the responsible use of the outdoors and the associated facilities provided
• promote a deeper understanding of the local natural history through a focus on environmental education
• develop new and utilise existing facilities that improve self-confidence, initiative, leadership and teamwork
• provide opportunities to learn new skills, overcome physical challenges, develop positive attitudes and create memorable learning opportunities
Come and stay
We can accommodate a total of 92 people in dormitory style bunkroom accommodation with separate male and female bathroom and toilet facilities. We have a large kitchen and dining area, BBQ, laundry, camp out equipment, and a range of supported activities available including environmental education programme. For more detailed information on our facilities please visit our website.
Find Out More
Check out the links below to find out more about Aongatete Outdoor Education Centre: