Situated just a 30-minute drive from Rotorua and Tauranga along Rotoehu Road, the Rotoehu Ecological Trust was formed in 2011 by a group of passionate individuals committed to the protection and restoration of native biodiversity within the Rotoehu Forest. Collaborating closely with the Department of Conservation, the Trust oversees the management of this land, with special attention to the remnant kōkako population of approximately 600 birds. Since its establishment, the Trust has been instrumental in increasing the endangered kōkako population from just 42 birds to 592. This remarkable achievement would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of its volunteers. Their dedication to predator control, habitat restoration, and monitoring has been vital to this success. In recognition, DOC awarded the Trust a Certificate of Achievement for reaching a genetically robust population of 500 kōkako adults—only the third mainland population to achieve this status. With continued support from volunteers and strong partnerships with the local community, iwi, and environmental groups, the Trust hopes to see the Rotoehu Forest thrive for generations to come.
- To continue to protect the native biodiversity within the Rotoehu Forest through ground-based pest control, habitat restoration and wildlife monitoring.
- Expand area under management, and kokako under protection, to 2000 ha – currently at 1493 ha.
- To work with KEEP, community groups and local landowners to facilitate the development of ecological corridors connecting Rotoehu Forest with other habitats.
- To inspire and connect people with te taiao, empowering individuals and communities to engage in conservation efforts.
How to Help
- Donate to our Givealittle to help fund our efforts.
- Helping at workdays in the bush, clearing new growth off tracks, laying bait, monitoring for rats), catering for workdays.
- Content creation and social media management.
- Fundraising applications.
- Networking and people skills.
- Project management and leadership.
Find out more
Rotoehu Ecological trust is ALWAYS seeking more volunteers, especially those that can help in the bush on workdays, with fundraising applications or social media content creation. At present the trust is in particular need for new trustees and treasurer:
- Governance: Become a trustee! RET is on the hunt for new trustees to keep the trust running and drive future efforts. If you have any of the above skills and an interest in conservation please get in touch
- Finances and accounting: Become our new treasurer!