Tēnei mātau e tū atu nei. He uri nō Tapuika.Tīhei mauri ora.Tapuika Oranga Ake provides environmental services under the Tapuika Iwi Authority umbrella. Our core purpose is to support and advance the descendants of Tapuika while protecting and enhancing our Takapū. We do this by effectively using our resources to:* Affirm Tapuika, tino rangatiratanga, mana whenua and mana moana* Preserve, revive, and protect ngā tikanga me ngā taonga o Tapuika* Protect and utilise all land, water and sea-based resources of Tapuika* Promote the educational, spiritual, economic, social, and cultural advancement, health and wellbeing of Tapuika* Establish and maintain places of cultural and spiritual significance to Tapuika.
- The vision for us within our tribal rohe is that we work towards a clean and healthy Takapū with restored mauri. Tapuika will be proactive kaitiaki using Tapuika mātauranga to protect and enhance all land, water, air, sea and natural taonga within Te Takapū o Tapuika for future generations.
- Tapuika currently run a pest control programme in Te Mataī forest as a boots on the ground operation. Freshwater management also plays a pivotal role in our takapū as we work to maintain, preserve and improve freshwater conditions.We are involved with restoration work along the Kaituna river catchment, as well as wetland planting in Rangiuru Business Park.
How to Help
- Tapuika run a pest control operation in Te Mataī forest near Te Puke. During the trapping and baiting season Tapuika encourages volunteers to get in touch if they are interested in providing support to our team!
Find out more
As 2024 marks the first operation for our team, we are hoping to gain the experience to handle larger groups of volunteers in the coming seasons. Any opportunites for volunteers will be posted up on our socials.