Waitao Landcare Group

Waitao Landcare Group is based in the hills between Pāpāmoa and Welcome Bay and is focused on restoration in the Waitao catchment. Since 2001, the group has collected native seed, propagated them in their nurseries and provided plants to landowners for restoration of riparian zones and marginal farmland areas. They hold regular community plantings and have initiated a predator control project too.

The group has extensive native plant knowledge & experience and are keen to share this and work together with others to restore our land, water and biodiversity.


Waitao Landcare Group has three core objectives;

  • Restore water quality
  • Restore native biodiversity
  • Support thriving wildlife corridors from summit to sea

The Waitao catchment is large and has significant native habitats. Extensive semi coastal forest covers the upper reaches, while a number of smaller yet surprisingly diverse forest patches, wetlands and estuarine habitats are also present. This provides habitat for a wide range of native flora & fauna, some of which are locally rare and highly threatened.

The goal is to work together as a community to improve the health of these precious habitats, the Kaiate, Arateka & Waitao streams and the Tauranga harbour.

How to Help

There are a number of fun ways people can be involved. We welcome anyone who is interested in this kaupapa and there is a wealth of knowledge about native plant propagation & restoration here for anyone who is keen to learn.

We have regular community potting events and plantings throughout the season, and there are opportunities for people who want to get into trapping in the forest too. We support landowners with environmental projects, and we are keen to connect with other catchment projects nearby as well.

If you would like to learn more or get involved, please do get in touch.

Find Out More

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for upcoming events or feel free to contact Jake Andersen, our Chairperson via email:  jake.e.andersen@gmail.com